Change return status of an order, in-progress, returned

Change return status of an order, in-progress, returned

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Hi, I'm wondering if it possible to change the return status of an order via the Shopify API. I want to be able to mark my order as "return_status: in-progress" and "return_status: returned". In the admin portal interface I just have to press a button. I have tried making the following Graphql request:



const returnReopen = await client2.query({
    data: `mutation {
           returnClose(input: {
                id: "gid://shopify/Return/736428085", 
                status: "CLOSED",
                order: {
                     id: "gid://shopify/Order/4341071380533",
                     returnStatus: "RETURNED",
                     __typename: "Order"
           }) {
               order {



Where I get the following error: "Field 'returnClose' doesn't exist on type 'Mutation".


Therefore I suppose it's not possible but I would very much appreciate it if you can fix it.



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
5 0 0

hi there, do you have any information about how to change the status of the return? 


thank you