Create a variant with an available quanitity of 999 using GraphQL

Create a variant with an available quanitity of 999 using GraphQL

Shopify Partner
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I am creating variants for a product using productVariantsBulkCreate:

mutation productVariantsBulkCreate($productId: ID!, $variants: [ProductVariantsBulkInput!]!) {
        productVariantsBulkCreate(productId: $productId, strategy: REMOVE_STANDALONE_VARIANT, variants: $variants) {
          userErrors {
          product {
          productVariants {

The input looks something like this:

    barcode: db_variant.barcode,
    compareAtPrice: db_variant.compareAtPrice?.toFixed(2) || undefined,
    inventoryItem: {
      cost: db_variant.costPerItem,
      harmonizedSystemCode: db_variant.harmonizedSystemCode || undefined,
      measurement: measurement,
      requiresShipping: db_variant.physicalProduct,
      sku: db_variant.SKU,
      tracked: db_variant.trackQuantity,
    inventoryPolicy: db_variant.continueSellingWhenOutOfStock
      ? "CONTINUE"
      : "DENY",
    mediaId: found_mediaId || undefined,
    optionValues: shopify_optionValues,
    price: db_variant.price.toFixed(2),
    taxable: db_variant.chargeTaxes,

I want to set an available quantity of 999 to each variant (in inventoryItem).
I was previously able to set it with the REST API.
Is this possible with GraphQL without the "read_locations" and "read_inventory" scopes?

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