Creating new Fulfillment Order with RESTful API

Creating new Fulfillment Order with RESTful API

1 0 1

Hi guys,

I've got a question when I designing my custom app.


I want to split some line item(s) from an existing Fulfillment Order to another new Fulfillment Order due to user may switch some line item(s) origin address(e.g: the warehouse got some problem).

However, if we use Moves a fulfillment order to a new location, all line item(s) will shift to new location, is there any possible way to pass selected line item(s) to new location only?



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
59 6 11

Hi @YamaGoshi . You may have by now found this doc. This piece in particular "This request is for a single FulfillmentOrderLineItem. Given that this is a partial request, Shopify closes the original fulfillmentOrder for which a fulfillment request was submitted, and opens two new fulfillment orders". Hope that helps somewhat.

KB77 | API Support @ Shopify
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