Re: Customer Fields not available by test purchase

Customer Fields not available by test purchase

Shopify Partner
16 1 2


I have made a few test purchases in my DEV shop and am currently trying to test the customer endpoint. I noticed that some fields are showing as 'null':



Are these fields only available when real purchases are made?


Here are the docs:


Some greets

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
402 66 102

Hey @Tenarius 


I took into a look into this and for orders that are placed on a test gateway on development store, I can confirm those values would be null be default - so it's expected behaviour there. 


If needing to test with real payments (in which the aforementioned values would be populated with data), then the store can be transferred to a paid plan. Feel free to check out the docs here - it run through the options when testing orders on dev stores. Hope that explains at least! Thanks. 

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