Deprecated API calls - PricingPolicy for sellingPlanGroupUpdate mutation

Deprecated API calls - PricingPolicy for sellingPlanGroupUpdate mutation

Shopify Partner
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Hello Support,


I am getting a "deprecated API calls" notice on the app listing page for the API change 'When updating the pricing policies on a selling plan, the API call must describe the desired end state of the pricing policies.' I have read the API change document multiple times and changed the code according to that but It still shows a deprecated call notice.

For the time being, I am only adding the functionality for the fixed discount in the subscription plan and the array of pricing policies looks like below in both the create and update selling plan group mutation.




pricingPolicies: [
fixed: {
adjustmentType: PERCENTAGE
adjustmentValue: { percentage : 12 }


Please help me out is there any issue in the array that I am sending in the mutation or that I need to add both fixed and recurring pricing policies when creating or updating the selling plan group.

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