DraftOrderCalculate access denied

DraftOrderCalculate access denied

4 0 1

I'm receiving this error when trying to run the following GraphQL mutation:



   "query":"mutation draftOrderCalculate($input: DraftOrderInput!) { draftOrderCalculate(input: $input) { userErrors { field message } calculatedDraftOrder { totalTax } } }",





    "data": {
        "draftOrderCalculate": null
    "errors": [
            "locations": [
                    "column": 58,
                    "line": 1
            "message": "DraftOrderCalculate access denied",
            "path": [
    "extensions": {
        "cost": {
            "actualQueryCost": 10,
            "requestedQueryCost": 10,
            "throttleStatus": {
                "currentlyAvailable": 990,
                "maximumAvailable": 1000.0,
                "restoreRate": 50.0


My private app the write_draft_orders scope  (screenshot).


All app permissions: read_products,write_products,read_orders,write_orders,write_order_edits,read_collection_listings,read_shipping,write_shipping,read_draft_orders,write_draft_orders



Screen Shot 2021-11-22 at 10.56.06 AM.png

Replies 2 (2)

4 0 1

This doesn't make any sense. 


{ draftOrders(first: 10) { edges { node { id } } } }

Returns: Access denied for draftOrders field.


I deleted the custom app and re-installed it, verified that the oAuth URL generated included the correct scopes for draft orders, and the app summary clearly says that I will be granting the app permission to edit draft orders. But I get the access denied error. 


I installed the Shopify GraphiQL app and granted it permission to edit draft orders, and it works. 


My app can access orders through, but not draft orders. 


{ orders(first: 10) { edges { node { id } } } }



Screen Shot 2021-11-22 at 12.44.50 PM.png

4 0 1

Ok - I did make a mistake, I didn't update the API token when I uninstalled the app and re-installed it. 


Deleting the app, and re-installing from scratch was required for some reason though.