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Re: Error When Call API Complete Draft Order

Error When Call API Complete Draft Order

3 0 1

I want to create an order via API so I call API to create a draft order, draft order created but when I call API for completing draft order, an error has occurred.

Return message is : "Resulting order was not persisted"

Would anyone explain why?



I use GraphQL for draftOrderComplete API, version: 2022-04

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
29 0 6

Same... running the same call again seems to sometimes succeed... maybe something broke internally recently for this API

11 0 4

I'm having the same error, also as @kunalwf mentioned, retrying usually solves it. It this the right approach? Just re-trying?

3 0 1

what's version of API did you use~ I used "2022-04"
I think we need to upgrade to latest version or not 🤔
@kunalwf @pablojoy 

Shopify Partner
2 0 2

I have been having the same issue starting some weeks ago. The complete API suddenly started returning the error {"errors": "Resulting order was not persisted"}.


Any help is appreciated



Shopify Partner
2 0 1

I'm also encountering this error, it's rather annoying. Did anybody find a way to fix it?

6 0 0

I'm also receiving the same error:


"Resulting order was not persisted"


When I try to create a new order draft.. so I can't create orders from my dashboard now 😞
There's a way to solve this? I'm losing money 😞


Screenshot 2023-02-21 at 12.50.33.png

Shopify Staff
1453 238 531

Hi all,


The generic "Resulting order was not persisted" error message could be related to several issues. 


If you have specific examples, or can share the steps of how you are able to replicate using the Admin APIs, please reach out directly to support.



Developer Support @ Shopify
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