A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
I'm trying to filter the priceRules items but it does not work.
priceRules (first:250, query:"RRE_5", sortKey:CREATED_AT, reverse: true) {
┃ edges {
┃ cursor
┃ node {
┃ id
┃ title
┃ status
┃ createdAt
┃ endsAt
┃ startsAt
┃ totalSales {
┃ amount
┃ }
┃ valueV2 {
┃ __typename
┃ ... on PricingPercentageValue {
┃ percentage
┃ }
┃ ... on MoneyV2 {
┃ amount
┃ currencyCode
┃ }
┃ }
┃ }
┃ }
┃ pageInfo {
┃ hasNextPage
┃ hasPreviousPage
┃ }
┃ }
┃ }
However, it is possible in the Discount section of Shopify platform. What can I do to filter by title?