Re: FulFill A Removed/Refunded Order Item

FulFill A Removed/Refunded Order Item

11 0 0


Orders which contains refunded/removed items are given a tag 'unfulfilled'. These items cannot be fulfilled using the fulfilment API as the fulfillable Quantity is 0 for them.



In the above example, the order is completed and archived but has got an 'unfulfilled' tag. How can I give it a 'fulfilled' tag?

Its actually a bit confusing for us as those refunded and completed orders are shown as unfulfilled in our shopify orders page.


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
428 41 178

Hi There,


Well technically speaking the items were either returned or removed from the order so they are "unfulfilled" per se.


I would suggest you use the pre-set filters on the orders page to help you.




If you click on the Unfulfilled filter it will NOT show you archived orders and only show those orders that are really "unfulfilled"





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