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FulfillmentServiceDelete and FulfillmentServiceUpdate not working

FulfillmentServiceDelete and FulfillmentServiceUpdate not working

Shopify Partner
16 1 5

I am having issues when using the mutations "fulfillmentServiceUpdate" and "fulfillmentServiceDelete".


I know that I have a valid FulfillmentService ID because I can get it with the query "fulfillmentService" :

query FulfillmentService($id: "gid://shopify/FulfillmentService/62330929469") { 
    fulfillmentService(id:$id) {

    "data":  { 
        "fulfillmentService": { 
            "id": "gid://shopify/FulfillmentService/62330929469?id=true", 
            "serviceName": "Frate" 

But, when I use that same ID for the mutations "fulfillmentServiceUpdate" and "fulfillmentServiceDelete", I get the error "Fulfillment service could not be found.":

mutation FulfillmentServiceUpdate( 
  $id: "gid://shopify/FulfillmentService/62330929469?id=true"
  $name: "Test Name" 
) { 
    id: $id,
    name: $name
  ) { 
    fulfillmentService {
    userErrors {

  "data": {
    "fulfillmentServiceUpdate": {
      "fulfillmentService": null,
      "userErrors": [{ 
        "field": [ "id" ],
        "message": "Fulfillment service could not be found."

Does anybody have any guesses/ideas as to why I get this error?


Note: I am sure that my app has both read and write fulfillments access scope enabled, so it's not an issue of lacking an access scope.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
77 11 22

Hi @jake-frate 

Are you using an api_client_id token from fulfillment service 62330929469?  You can only update or delete the fulfillment service owned by the api client token.  

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