A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
I created the fulfillmentService and when I query it by ID it works fine.
Create Query
var fulfillmentServiceCreateRequest = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" mutation fulfillmentServiceCreate($name: String!, $callbackUrl: URL!) { fulfillmentServiceCreate(name: $name, callbackUrl: $callbackUrl) { fulfillmentService { id serviceName callbackUrl location { id, name } } userErrors { field message } } } ", OperationName = "fulfillmentServiceCreate", Variables = new { name = "Test Fulfillment Service", callbackUrl = "https://shopify.test.com/" } };
Get By ID Response
{ "fulfillmentService": { "id": "gid://shopify/FulfillmentService/68707713367?id=true", "serviceName": "Test Fulfillment Service", "callbackUrl": "https://shopify.test.com/" } }
Then when I try to delete it, I get the default locationId and set it together with fulfillmentServiceId for deletion.
var deleteFulfillmentService = new GraphQLRequest { Query = @" mutation fulfillmentServiceDelete($id: ID!, $destinationLocationId: ID) { fulfillmentServiceDelete(id: $id, destinationLocationId: $destinationLocationId) { deletedId userErrors { field message } } } ", OperationName = "fulfillmentServiceDelete", Variables = new { id = "gid://shopify/FulfillmentService/68707713367?id=true", destinationLocationId = defaultLocation.Id } };
In the response I get no errors and no userErrors. deletedId is also null.
"statusCode": 200, "data": { "fulfillmentServiceDelete": { "deletedId": null, "userErrors": [] } }, "errors": null,
So what is happening here? I hardcoded the id, tried with and without this "id=true" query string. Tried to enter invalid Location ID (then I get actual error). Any advice or ideas why it might not work for deletion? There are no pending orders or anything like that, it's an empty store.
I've also added example using simple cURL so it is more testable and understandable. As you can see same thing - nothing gets deleted even tho documentation states it should delete the fulfillmentService.
# 1. Create fulfillment service
# Create Fulfillment Service Request
curl -X POST \
https://MY-APP-NAME.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: WORKING-TOKEN' \
-d '{
"query": "mutation fulfillmentServiceCreate($name: String!, $callbackUrl: URL!) { fulfillmentServiceCreate(name: $name, callbackUrl: $callbackUrl) { fulfillmentService { id serviceName callbackUrl, location { id, name } } userErrors { field message } } }",
"variables": {
"name": "example_fulfillment_service",
"callbackUrl": "https://callback.org/"
# Create Fulfillment Service Response
# 2. Get all locations to use different locations on fulfillment service delete
# Get locations request
curl -X POST \
https://MY-APP-NAME.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: WORKING-TOKEN' \
-d '{
"query": "query { locations(first: 5) { edges { node { id name } } } }"
# Get locations response
"name":"Shop location"
# 3. Delete fulfillment service using location id above
curl -X POST \
https://MY-APP-NAME.myshopify.com/admin/api/2024-04/graphql.json \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-Shopify-Access-Token: WORKING-TOKEN' \
-d '{
"query": "mutation fulfillmentServiceDelete($id: ID!, $destinationLocationId: ID) { fulfillmentServiceDelete(id: $id, destinationLocationId: $destinationLocationId) { deletedId userErrors { field message } } }",
"variables": {
"destinationLocationId": "gid://shopify/Location/100800364887",
"id": "gid://shopify/FulfillmentService/68726325591?id=true"
# Response, nothing got deleted
It looks like the id you are getting back for the fulfillment service is "gid://shopify/FulfillmentService/68726325591?id=true". Not sure why "?id=true" is coming back as part of that, but that's not part of the id. If you take that part off then the delete will probably work correctly.