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Get only latest product data from api without product id in php


Get only latest product data from api without product id in php

Shopify Partner
3 0 0

Hey dear,

I need latest product data from a Shopify store with the help of API 


Example: I have a [ABC]  product in the store, but when I add new product like { dummy  } in store, then I need to get only { dummy } product data from the API without product id 


I'm using PHP curl functions 


$new_product = shopify_call($token,$shop_url, "/admin/api/2021-10/products.json", array(), 'GET');
$new_product_str = json_decode($new_product['response'], JSON_PRETTY_PRINT); ?>



Thanks and regard

Mohd. Shariq

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
13 5 11

This is an accepted solution.



Use limit = 1 and created_at_max = (current datetime) to get the newest product only



You can generate the timestamp in the desired format with the following command:

date(DATE_ATOM, time());




View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
13 5 11

This is an accepted solution.



Use limit = 1 and created_at_max = (current datetime) to get the newest product only



You can generate the timestamp in the desired format with the following command:

date(DATE_ATOM, time());

