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According to the new fulfilment API I tried to use mutation fulfillmentCreateV2 which requires FulfillmentOrder and FulfillmentOrderLineItem GIDs. To get them by the known order GID I used simple GraphQL request like this:
query Order { order(id: "gid://shopify/Order/4965293555878") { fulfillmentOrders(first:2 query:"status:OPEN") { edges { node { id status lineItems(first:50) { edges { node { id sku productTitle } } } } } } } }
Actually it returns me both FulfillmentOrder and FulfillmentOrderLineItem GIDs but the problem I faced is that I cannot map FulfillmentOrderLineItem to the barcode I'm receiving from 3rd party system. The only field I have is SKU but it's not the one I need.
Solved! Go to the solution
This is an accepted solution.
The problem is resolved by requesting fulfilment orders information using REST API. It contains product variant ID which is enough to get barcode.
This is an accepted solution.
The problem is resolved by requesting fulfilment orders information using REST API. It contains product variant ID which is enough to get barcode.