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Get products updated, added or deleted in last 3 days using REST API

Get products updated, added or deleted in last 3 days using REST API

Shopify Partner
131 0 17

Hi there,


We are developing an app. 


Using REST API  how can I get the product data for the below 3 requirements:


1. Get all products and collection products that are updated in last 3 days 

2. Get all products and collection products that are created in last 3 days 

3. Get all products and collection products that are deleted in last 3 days 


Any help would be appreciated

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
432 41 190



For the first two requirements you can use the created_at_max, created_at_min, and updated_at_max, updated_at_min paramters to the orders.json endpoint


For the last one, its not possible to get which orders were deleted in the past days since they no longer exist. For that you can use the webhook orders/delete which will trigger when an order is deleted, the you can store that information in your own database.





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