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Getting multiple vendors while downloading products through API

Getting multiple vendors while downloading products through API

Shopify Partner
58 1 9

Hello Shopify,


We are integrating Shopify with rest APIs. When we are trying to download vendors with products API we are getting multiple vendors through it. Total count of vendors which we are getting through this API is 280000+ where we only have 55 distinct vendors.


API : https://bhawk.myshopify.com/admin/api/2022-01/products.json?limit=250&fields=vendor


With the limit of 250 it is taking 40 mins to download this data which is not acceptable.

Please let us why this is happening and provide a solution if we can solve it.




Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
129 15 25

Hi there @Webgility1, thanks for connecting and for the info.


If a store does have a high volume of vendors, returning large sets of data would expectedly take multiple requests and certainly take a while. However, after testing several REST Product API requests in my test environment, everything appears to be working as expected. Our team is unable to access store or app related data as we do not provide authenticated support though the forums at this time. If you are seeing unexpected results returned, my first suggestion here would be to connect with Shopify Support to authenticate for the store, and confirm what the expected store data/behaviour should be. If you are a Shopify Partner you would need to work with the merchant to obtain collaborator access as a first step. 



Alan | API Support @ Shopify
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