A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
Getting an internal error when performing a GraphQL API call:
Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.Request ID: 87d43591-73a9-4d28-a9d8-0f41d96b7453
The Graph query I'm using is:
{ products(first: 10) { edges { node { legacyResourceId id title handle tags descriptionHtml vendor productType publishedAt metafields(first: 10) { edges { node { legacyResourceId id key namespace value } cursor } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } } cursor } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } }
This error only happens for some our connected stores.
Similar issue for us:
%{"errors" => [%{"message" => "Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.
Request ID: 33678fbd-1428-4a38-8314-e9fddd0c17c6 (include this in support requests)."}
=== Erroneous GraphQL Request & Response === Opts: [ shop: "mchipperformance", url: "https://mchipperformance.myshopify.com/admin/api/graphql.json", headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Shopify-Access-Token": "2e2425ad606af8729cfd79a456a4c7e4"] ], Vars: %{first: 30, imagesFirst: 1, variantsFirst: 1, variantsMetafieldsFirst: 1} query Products( $first: Int $imagesFirst: Int $variantsFirst: Int $variantsMetafieldsFirst: Int ) { products(first: $first) { edges { node { vendor totalInventory title templateSuffix tags publishedAt productType legacyResourceId hasOnlyDefaultVariant handle descriptionHtml id images(first: $imagesFirst) { edges { node { transformedSrc originalSrc src altText id } cursor } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } variants(first: $variantsFirst) { edges { node { weightUnit weight title taxable sku requiresShipping price compareAtPrice inventoryQuantity inventoryPolicy barcode id metafields(first: $variantsMetafieldsFirst) { edges { node { valueType value namespace key description id } cursor } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } } cursor } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } } cursor } pageInfo { hasNextPage } } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Response: { status_code: 200, body: %{ "errors" => [%{"message" => "Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end. Request ID: 33678fbd-1428-4a38-8314-e9fddd0c17c6 (include this in support requests)."}] }, headers: [ {"Date", "Thu, 06 Feb 2020 17:38:42 GMT"}, {"Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"}, {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}, {"Connection", "keep-alive"}, {"Set-Cookie", "__cfduid=d2215a4b7d7dbad5f2c380f01229462bc1581010702; expires=Sat, 07-Mar-20 17:38:22 GMT; path=/; domain=.myshopify.com; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax"}, {"X-Sorting-Hat-PodId", "139"}, {"X-Sorting-Hat-ShopId", "30599381132"}, {"Vary", "Accept-Encoding"}, {"Referrer-Policy", "origin-when-cross-origin"}, {"X-Frame-Options", "DENY"}, {"X-ShopId", "30599381132"}, {"X-ShardId", "139"}, {"X-Stats-UserId", ""}, {"X-Stats-ApiClientId", "2682109"}, {"X-Stats-ApiPermissionId", "212646461580"}, {"X-Shopify-API-Version", "2019-04"}, {"X-Shopify-API-Deprecated-Reason", "https://help.shopify.com/api/getting-started/api-deprecations"}, {"Strict-Transport-Security", "max-age=7889238"}, {"X-Shopify-Stage", "production"}, {"Content-Security-Policy", "default-src 'self' data: blob: 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' https://* shopify-pos://*; block-all-mixed-content; child-src 'self' https://* shopify-pos://*; connect-src 'self' wss://* https://*; frame-ancestors 'none'; img-src 'self' data: blob: https:; script-src https://cdn.shopify.com https://cdn.shopify.cn https://checkout.shopifycs.com https://js-agent.newrelic.com https://bam.nr-data.net https://api.stripe.com https://mpsnare.iesnare.com https://appcenter.intuit.com https://www.paypal.com https://js.braintreegateway.com https://c.paypal.com https://maps.googleapis.com https://www.google-analytics.com https://v.shopify.com https://widget.intercom.io https://js.intercomcdn.com 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval'; upgrade-insecure-requests; report-uri /csp-report?source%5Baction%5D=query&source%5Bapp%5D=Shopify&source%5Bcontroller%5D=admin%2Fgraphql&source%5Bsection%5D=admin_api&source%5Buuid%5D=33678fbd-1428-4a38-8314-e9fddd0c17c6"}, {"X-Content-Type-Options", "nosniff"}, {"X-Download-Options", "noopen"}, {"X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies", "none"}, {"X-XSS-Protection", "1; mode=block; report=/xss-report?source%5Baction%5D=query&source%5Bapp%5D=Shopify&source%5Bcontroller%5D=admin%2Fgraphql&source%5Bsection%5D=admin_api&source%5Buuid%5D=33678fbd-1428-4a38-8314-e9fddd0c17c6"}, {"X-Dc", "gcp-us-east1,gcp-us-central1,gcp-us-central1"}, {"NEL", "{\"report_to\":\"network-errors\",\"max_age\":2592000,\"failure_fraction\":0.01,\"success_fraction\":0.0001}"}, {"Report-To", "{\"group\":\"network-errors\",\"max_age\":2592000,\"endpoints\":[{\"url\":\"https://monorail-edge.shopifycloud.com/v1/reports/nel/20190325/shopify\"}]}"}, {"X-Request-ID", "33678fbd-1428-4a38-8314-e9fddd0c17c6"}, {"NEL", "{\"report_to\":\"network-errors\",\"max_age\":2592000,\"failure_fraction\":0.01,\"success_fraction\":0.0001}"}, {"Report-To", "{\"group\":\"network-errors\",\"max_age\":2592000,\"endpoints\":[{\"url\":\"https://monorail-edge.shopifycloud.com/v1/reports/nel/20190325/shopify\"}]}"}, {"CF-Cache-Status", "DYNAMIC"}, {"Expect-CT", "max-age=604800, report-uri=\"https://report-uri.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/beacon/expect-ct\""}, {"Alt-Svc", "h3-24=\":443\"; ma=86400, h3-23=\":443\"; ma=86400"}, {"Server", "cloudflare"}, {"CF-RAY", "560ee5bd2e1ae6d4-EWR"} ] } }
Hey @DanAtBonify and @Derek_Morin ,
It appears that this error is thrown when querying for first X amount of products on a Shopify store that has a very large amount of products (i.e. over thousands and thousands of products). The error occurs because the query request to our database to get the first few products in this store takes too long and eventually reaches the time out. There is on-going work on our end to resolve this and fix this issue, but in the meantime you can resolve this on your end by including a filter in your GraphQL query for the "created_at" date of the product.
So for example, this query should hopefully work:
{ products(first: 10, query:"created_at:>2020-02-01") { edges { node { id } } } }
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Thanks for the update @hassain!
Keep us posted, this issue affects the ability for our customers to perform a product export from our app, which is a critical component of the app.
Glad you guys are working on a fix!
@hassain I'm looking for alternative "fix" to please my clients, as they can't wait anymore. Is there a maximum/minimum number of SKUs that I would be allowed to load, if I remove some from the CSV file?
My idea was to remove all products currently uploaded in the store, and upload a smaller CSV file. But I doubt that will even fix the issue.
Because we don't really know the max number of products allowed.