A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
Hi there, I am currently working on a practice app on a test store. I am currently querying a list of customers and displaying them with ResourceList, and my query looks like this:
const GET_CUSTOMERS = gql`
query {
customers(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
This all works fine, however the issue arises when I try retrieving the customers' orders.
const GET_CUSTOMERS = gql`
query {
customers(first: 10) {
edges {
node {
orders(first: 3, reverse: true) {
edges {
node {
I changed the query to include orders, and even though this works fine on the Shopify GraphiQL App, it always returns Access Denied when I run it on my actual app. I'm pretty sure I've set all the necessary scopes like 'read_orders' and 'write_orders', so what else could I be missing? I'd really appreciate any help.
When did you set the scopes, if you set the scopes after authenticate then remove the app and authenticate the app again. And for getting data of customer you have to add `read_customers` scope. Thanks