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GraphQL Edit Order Email not sending

GraphQL Edit Order Email not sending

Shopify Partner
3 0 4

Hello, I am running into an issue where the customer email is not sending after editing an order using graphql orderEditCommit. I'm doing exactly what seems to have worked for others as described in this thread https://community.shopify.com/c/shopify-apis-and-sdks/notifying-customer-when-their-order-is-edited/.... The order is editing successfully with no errors except for the email is not being sent. Here's the API version were on and the applicable API scopes being used:


API Version: 2023-01
Access Scopes: 



mutation orderEditCommit($id: ID!) {
                    orderEditCommit(id: $id, notifyCustomer: true) {
                        order {
                        userErrors {


Replies 2 (2)

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

I'm having this same issue.  Does someone know what the cause is?

Shopify Staff
1453 238 531

Hi @sethroster,


Thanks for your post. When testing in a test store using the [GraphQL Order Editing] process and adding a variant to the order, the email template is getting sent out successfully after the orderEditCommit mutation is submitted when notifyCustomer is set to true.


So this may be a store specific issue. One thing to check is that the test customer is receiving emails for other regular actions from the store in case there's some configuration issue with the store's Sender Email address.


For direct assistance please reach out [to Partner Support using the email option] and select the 'App Development & API' topic, and include more details like what specific operations were being completed during the order edit, what store and app were involved, and a specific date/time/timezone in the past 7 days when the issue was encountered.


Thanks and hope you have a great day

Developer Support @ Shopify
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