GraphQL equivalent of REST fulfillment complete api endpoint ETA?


GraphQL equivalent of REST fulfillment complete api endpoint ETA?

Shopify Partner
12 1 2

Looks like there was a post about the GraphQL API not having the fulfillments complete endpoint back in late 2019 saying that it just doesn't exist yet ( It's 2022 now, and the GraphQL API is said to be the API we should be using because that is where all the new updates to the API will be going moving forward (reference to the video on the Shopify API homepage here -> Is GraphQL going to have parity with the REST API for fulfillment completion so that we can move onto the GraphQL API going forward? If that is going to happen, is there an ETA for that fulfillments complete update to the GraphQL API?

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
12 1 2

This is an accepted solution.

The fulfillment complete endpoint has been deprecated and will no longer be in either API:

View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
12 1 2

This is an accepted solution.

The fulfillment complete endpoint has been deprecated and will no longer be in either API: