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GraphQL Order Refunds retrieve zeros

GraphQL Order Refunds retrieve zeros

Shopify Partner
40 1 5

We are using the latest version of GraphQL API (2021-04),

Some of our clients are claim that the refunds are not being reported right.

We are using the 0rder->Refunds node, We can see a row for the refund but the totalRefundedSet value is zero,

also Order->totalRefundedSet node value is zero too.


For example,

Shop Id: 27458043990

Order Id: 3782315245654

Refund Id: 802818588758

Via API the refund value is zero, but from CSV export we can see a refund of 159,579.83 COP for this order.


Please investigate.

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
193 37 55

Hey @Amichay ,


Happy to look into this for you. Can I ask you to DM me a x-request-id from the headers of both a successful and a failed call (if possible) so we can compare the server responses?

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.

Shopify Partner
40 1 5

Hi @GrahamS did DM you 2 weeks ago, but no response...

Shopify Staff (Retired)
193 37 55

Hello @Amichay ,


The reason you are seeing no refund via API for this type of order is because there is no refund entry in the order's transactions.json. If you were to open the admin interface, open the order, and add "transactions.json" to the end of the URL, you would find that there is no entry marked as "refund".

There are situations where this type of thing will happen, such as if a pending payment is cancelled. This does not count as a refund internally, because the funds were never collected to begin with. It will appear as a reversal on sales reports (since pending payments do count as sales in analytics), however it would not be entered as a refund into the transactions log for the actual order.

To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.