A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
We're currently using the shopify GraphQL API to search for orders using a given discount code from python like
code = 'code_to_search_for'
cursor = None
has_next_page = True
while has_next_page:
results = json.loads(shopify.GraphQL().execute(
'query orders($discount_code: String!, $cursor: String) { '
f'orders(first: {PAGE_SIZE}'
', query: $discount_code, after: $cursor)'
' { pageInfo{ hasNextPage } edges { cursor node { id name subtotalPriceSet '
'{ shopMoney { amount } } createdAt updatedAt discountCode } }}}',
{"discount_code": f'discount_code:{code}', "cursor": cursor},
# pseudo code below, we handle missing json keys gracefully...
cursor = results['data']['orders']['edges'][-1]['cursor']
has_next_page = results['data']['orders']['pageInfo']['hasNextPage'] and cursor
# .. do stuff with results['data']['orders']['edges'] nodes
In general this works, but found some codes where the initial query (cursor = None) returns no edges (although pageInfo.hasNextPage is True):
{'data': {'orders': {'pageInfo': {'hasNextPage': True}, 'edges': []}}, 'extensions': {'cost': {'requestedQueryCost': 202, 'actualQueryCost': 2, 'throttleStatus': {'maximumAvailable': 2000.0, 'currentlyAvailable': 1998, 'restoreRate': 100.0}}}}
If I grab a cursor from a different query that does return nodes (eg without a discount_code filter or even with a filter on a different code), the initial query does return edges, but is potentially missing nodes based on where that cursor came from (and mixing cursors from different queries seems very wrong!)?
Any ideas on what's happening here and how to fix?
I'm also getting inconsistent responses from the python client vs the Shopify GraphQL app, specifically for Order data. Queries through the app appear to be correct but almost all data is missing via the Python client. I also tested via the url directly and got the same incorrect results.
@JjjoooeeE - Is the behaviour consistent when you hit the API directly? Or only when using the Python library? Are you able the grab a request ID from the response headers?
@mydevaccount - can you provide an example (including API version)?
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
Yes, I can reproduce using a curl command line to the graphQL endpoint.
An example x-request-id: 4d674e5b-7296-4e10-86dc-f632700ec00d
Thanks I'm able to replicate. I've raised this internally. Keep you posted.
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
Thanks, looking forward to your findings.
Hey @JjjoooeeE
I just chased this up internally and in the process I'm unable to replicate. Can you please give it another shot and let me know if you hit the same error (and if so provide the request ID)?
Scott | Developer Advocate @ Shopify
x-request-id: d4feb814-cbfb-4b14-9e0d-3ce2319ebcb1 still appears to have the same problem