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GraphQL productUpdate mutation does not create new metafields

GraphQL productUpdate mutation does not create new metafields

2 0 3



I have a productUpdate Mutation that used to work to create metafields in a product. It is currently not working when I set more than one metafield, however, when there is only one metafield it creates the metafield in. the product.


Is there any explanation? 

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mutation {
   productUpdate (input: { id: "gid://shopify/Product/xxxxx", metafields: [
     { namespace: "somespace",
       key: "somekey",
       value: "469",
      type: "single_line_text_field",
     description: "" },
   { namespace: "somespace",
     key: "somenewkey",
     value: "469",
     type: "single_line_text_field",
     description: "" }
] }) { product {
                          metafields(first: 100) {edges { node { id namespace key value description type }} } }}




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