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GraphQL Query Fails When Run as JSON


GraphQL Query Fails When Run as JSON

3 1 0

This query runs fine in the GraphiQL editor but when I run it as a JSON request I get a 400 response. 


The json provided is not formatted correctly



If I remove the pagination request "after: ..." it runs as expected.


Is there something about my formatting of the "after" request that isn't JSON friendly?



  "query": "query{ orders(first: 3, after: "eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo0MzU5OTgzMjY3ODkzLCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMi0wNS0yMyAxMDozNzoyMy4wMDAwMDAifQ==") { edges { cursor node { id name legacyResourceId email createdAt processedAt totalPriceSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } totalDiscountsSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } totalRefundedSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } subtotalLineItemsQuantity test } } }}"



Accepted Solution (1)

3 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

Solved my own question. I needed to escape the quotes within my query.


  "query": "query{ orders(first: 3, after: \"eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo0MzU5OTgzMjY3ODkzLCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMi0wNS0yMyAxMDozNzoyMy4wMDAwMDAifQ==\") { edges { cursor node { id name legacyResourceId email createdAt processedAt totalPriceSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } totalDiscountsSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } totalRefundedSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } subtotalLineItemsQuantity test } } }}"

View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

3 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

Solved my own question. I needed to escape the quotes within my query.


  "query": "query{ orders(first: 3, after: \"eyJsYXN0X2lkIjo0MzU5OTgzMjY3ODkzLCJsYXN0X3ZhbHVlIjoiMjAyMi0wNS0yMyAxMDozNzoyMy4wMDAwMDAifQ==\") { edges { cursor node { id name legacyResourceId email createdAt processedAt totalPriceSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } totalDiscountsSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } totalRefundedSet { shopMoney { amount currencyCode } } subtotalLineItemsQuantity test } } }}"