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How can i update inventory available using api?


How can i update inventory available using api?

4 1 0

Dear everyone,

I apologize for any inconvenience,but i really need help because i have tried for almost 3 days but have no solution.

I use c# to work with apis ,and  i receive from http json string and i convert them in xml , after modify them, i rechange them into json string, in this way works with the following url when i want to update product price


So i try to use this url to update inventory available:



here is my json string at final:




and it gives me the error  :{"errors":{"inventory_item_id":"Required parameter missing or invalid"}}

ps:inventory authorization is already "read and write"


thanks everyone in advance







Accepted Solution (1)
4 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

I finally find the solution,

the json string that i get from httpWebrequest(because i use c#) is like this:

{"inventory_levels":{"inventory_item_id":"44237420986593","location_id":"66603679969","available":"6","available_adjustment":"6"}},with inventory_levels as first node, so i try remove this one, and become like this:


then i use POST method with url inventory_levels/adjust.json,and it works fine

ps: you must convert the string {"inventory_item_id":"44237420986593","location_id":"66603679969","available":"6","available_adjustment":"6"}into  {\"inventory_item_id\":\"44237420986593\",\"location_id\":\"66603679969\",\"available\":\"6\",\"available_adjustment\":\"6\"}"



View solution in original post

Replies 4 (4)

Shopify Staff
402 66 103

Hey @SenzaNome 


Wonder if the solution here might help you out. It's just that this was experienced by someone using REST sharp and you'd mentioned your use of C# and they have the same error 🙂


Other than that, double checking the ID's of Inventory_Item_Id and Location__id with a quick call to the api with a GET to inventory_levels.json?inventory_item_ids=44237420986593 could be worth a shout. 


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4 1 0

Thank you for the response,

but i have already my contente type=application/json

and i use products/{product_id}.json to get inventory_item_id  and i use inventory_levels.json?inventory_item_ids=44237420986593 to get location_id . I will recheck my inventory_item_id   and location_id as you recommended. 

Thanks again

4 1 0


i have noticed one thing,that's when i want to  update product price i use the url variants/{variants_id}.json to GET the json string and i use the url products/{products_id}.json to PUT, else if i use products/{products_id}.json to GET, then it doesn't work. So i think maybe the problem is here ,i use the url inventory_levels.json?inventory_item_ids={inventory_item_id} to GET ,and  inventory_levels/adjust.json to POST.

If the GET url inventory_levels.json?inventory_item_ids={inventory_item_id} is not right,which one can i use?


Thanks in advance

4 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

I finally find the solution,

the json string that i get from httpWebrequest(because i use c#) is like this:

{"inventory_levels":{"inventory_item_id":"44237420986593","location_id":"66603679969","available":"6","available_adjustment":"6"}},with inventory_levels as first node, so i try remove this one, and become like this:


then i use POST method with url inventory_levels/adjust.json,and it works fine

ps: you must convert the string {"inventory_item_id":"44237420986593","location_id":"66603679969","available":"6","available_adjustment":"6"}into  {\"inventory_item_id\":\"44237420986593\",\"location_id\":\"66603679969\",\"available\":\"6\",\"available_adjustment\":\"6\"}"