How to paginate Orders using Shopify API with Curl

How to paginate Orders using Shopify API with Curl

New Member
4 0 0



I'm trying to get a list of all orders with a limit of 20 orders per page.


I'm doing:


curl --ssl-no-revoke -sb -X GET "" -H "X-Shopify-Access-Token: mytoken" -H "Accept: application/json;charset=ISO-8859-2"

I get the orders, but i don't see any field that allows me to go to the next set of orders.


Can anyone help me?

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
15 0 4

The information that you need is stored in the response header 'Link'. You can write the headers to a file using -D flag.

There is more info here:

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