A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
{ productVariants(first: 10, query: "collection:415789351150") { edges { node { id } } } }
{ "errors": [ { "message": "Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: bef2baa7-2d79-4c5e-9928-9807148b9e28 (include this in support requests).", "extensions": { "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "requestId": "bef2baa7-2d79-4c5e-9928-9807148b9e28" } } ] }
If I try to get a collection, I get a response:
{ "data": { "collection": { "title": "Milvertons Facebook Shop", "id": "gid://shopify/Collection/415789351150" } }, "extensions": { "cost": { "requestedQueryCost": 1, "actualQueryCost": 1, "throttleStatus": { "maximumAvailable": 1000.0, "currentlyAvailable": 999, "restoreRate": 50.0 } } } }
If I change the collection "415789351150" for the "query" param to another, then there is no error
The bug is still relevant
Hi @Artin
I can't replicate an error with the productVariants query using a collection query filter.
We also can't provide authenticated support in the forums, but if the issue is persisting with a single collection, then please contact Shopify support with as much context as possible about the specific collection, and a recent example of a request along with the timestamp and X-Request-ID from the response.
Developer Support @ Shopify
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