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Internal error on orderInvoiceSend graphql api


Internal error on orderInvoiceSend graphql api

Shopify Partner
12 2 0


I am getting this error after using orderInvoiceSend graphql api



{"errors":[{"message":"Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: cda305fd-284f-452b-a889-dafb445938ce (include this in support requests).","extensions":{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","requestId":"cda305fd-284f-452b-a889-dafb445938ce"}}]}



this is how im building my query and consuming the api




 const GraphClient = new Shopify.Clients.Graphql(StoredSession.shop, StoredSession.accessToken);
        const queryString ={"query":`mutation orderInvoiceSend($id: ID!) {orderInvoiceSend(id: $id) {order {id} userErrors {field message}}}`,
            "variables": {
                "email": {
                    "bcc": [""],
                    "body": "hi",
                    "customMessage": "hi",
                    "from": "example@hotmail.com",
                    "subject": "invoice",
                    "to": "example@hotmail.com"
                "id": "gid://shopify/Order/4814922940652"

        const orderInvoice = await GraphClient.query({





can someone help? thanks

Ahmed Vohra
You can email me at: ahmedvohra1@hotmail.com

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Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
12 2 0

This is an accepted solution.

The email argument  was missing in the mutation and the EmailInput.bcc was empty which was causing the error.

this is my updated query

const queryString = {
            "query": `mutation orderInvoiceSend($id: ID!, $email: EmailInput) {orderInvoiceSend(id: $id, email:$email) {order {id email} userErrors {field message}}}`,
            "variables": {
                "email": {
                    "bcc": ["example@hotmail.com"],
                    "body": "hi",
                    "customMessage": "hi",
                    "from": "example@elationerp.com",
                    "subject": "invoice",
                    "to": "example@hotmail.com"
                "id": "gid://shopify/Order/4814922940652"

Ahmed Vohra
You can email me at: ahmedvohra1@hotmail.com

Hire me on upwork

View solution in original post

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
12 2 0

This is an accepted solution.

The email argument  was missing in the mutation and the EmailInput.bcc was empty which was causing the error.

this is my updated query

const queryString = {
            "query": `mutation orderInvoiceSend($id: ID!, $email: EmailInput) {orderInvoiceSend(id: $id, email:$email) {order {id email} userErrors {field message}}}`,
            "variables": {
                "email": {
                    "bcc": ["example@hotmail.com"],
                    "body": "hi",
                    "customMessage": "hi",
                    "from": "example@elationerp.com",
                    "subject": "invoice",
                    "to": "example@hotmail.com"
                "id": "gid://shopify/Order/4814922940652"

Ahmed Vohra
You can email me at: ahmedvohra1@hotmail.com

Hire me on upwork