A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
The below query is successful for the dates 2022-05-10 to 2022-05-12, and for 2022-05-13 to 2022-05-15. But when running the same query for 2022-05-11 to 2022-05-15 it fails with INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. This must be a bug?
We are running version "2021-07" of the api. Here is the query:
mutation { bulkOperationRunQuery( query:""" { orders( sortKey: CREATED_AT, query: "processed_at:>='2022-05-11' processed_at:<='2022-05-15'" ) { edges { cursor node { %s tags name id test physicalLocation { name } createdAt updatedAt processedAt cancelledAt customAttributes{ key value } cancelReason currencyCode discountCode fullyPaid publication { name } agreements { edges { node { id happenedAt reason sales { edges { node { id lineType actionType quantity totalAmount { shopMoney { amount } } totalTaxAmount { shopMoney { amount } } totalDiscountAmountBeforeTaxes { shopMoney { amount } } totalDiscountAmountAfterTaxes { shopMoney { amount } } } } } } } } customerJourney { customerOrderIndex daysToConversion firstVisit { referrerUrl source utmParameters { term medium source campaign content } } lastVisit { referrerUrl source utmParameters { term medium source campaign content } } } shippingAddress { country province } billingAddress { country province } totalWeight totalShippingPriceSet { shopMoney { amount } } subtotalPriceSet { shopMoney { amount } } totalReceivedSet { shopMoney { amount } } totalPriceSet { shopMoney { amount } } netPaymentSet { shopMoney { amount } } totalTaxSet { shopMoney { amount } } cartDiscountAmountSet { shopMoney { amount } } } } } } """ ) { bulkOperation { id status } userErrors { field message } } }