A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
{'errors': [{'message': 'Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 1655c7cf-7008-44a2-8db5-fad3c55c8599 (include this in support requests).', 'extensions': {'code': 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'requestId': '1655c7cf-7008-44a2-8db5-fad3c55c8599'}}]}
I am receiving error on a couple of stores that seem to be linked to the query request :
- query: "created_at:>2022-04-30"
- orders (first: 10, query: "created_at:>2022-04-30")
omitting the: query: "created_at:>2022-04-30" generates no error respond.
Please advice / look into it please.
We are also experiencing a high frequency of internal service errors starting from 17th August. We are using API-version 2021-07. See an extract of part of the error-code below.
{Bulk operation error: {'data': {'node': {'id': 'gid://shopify/BulkOperation/1129758949399', 'status': 'FAILED', 'errorCode': 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', 'createdAt': '2022-08-19T02:06:29Z',...}
I am using API-version 2022-07, but started having issues around the same time.
We are still having issues. Some jobs are receiving errors with status CANCELED now as well:
"Bulk operation error: {'data': {'node': {'id': 'gid://shopify/BulkOperation/997794840655', 'status': 'CANCELED', 'errorCode': None,...}
Any updates on this? This is a critical issue for our customers.
I have ran a few queries today and at the moment I don't have any error with the 'query: "created_at:>2022-08-25"' attribute.
However, not all seems fine, as I have been running bulk queries searching for the last 1000 orders: orders(last: 1000), trying to bypass the error, but the last: (and first:) attribute is completely being ignored and the query is returning every order ever made.
We have identified the issue that caused internal server error. Previously our bulk-query looked as follows:
orders {
edges {
node {
customer {
This worked well up until a few weeks ago. But since then, the query fails on some occasions with an internal server error. When we tried to remove the "inner" query on the orders object, the query works as expected.
i also have this error, when i run mutaion:
mutation bulkOperationRunQuery {
query: """
product1: product(id: "gid://shopify/Product/7412378828966") { ...ProductData }
product2: product(id: "gid://shopify/Product/7444006273190") { ...ProductData }
fragment ProductData on Product { id title status productType vendor description descriptionHtml tracksInventory totalInventory totalVariants hasOnlyDefaultVariant hasOutOfStockVariants isGiftCard handle tags seo { title description } createdAt updatedAt publishedAt variants { edges { node { id barcode title price compareAtPrice weight weightUnit taxable taxCode } } } }
) {
bulkOperation {
userErrors {
i use API version 2023-04
I also have the same problem.
Until a week ago, there was no problem; everything worked fine
What is strange is that there are accounts for which I can download the reports
And recently, there are several accounts where I get an error after about a minute of running the request
The status starts running, and after about a minute, I get "status": "FAILED," and "errorCode": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR,"
I changed to several API versions
I used 2023 07
And also, in 2023 04
And in both, I get the same error