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Inventory Management System + Shopify Integration Possible?

Inventory Management System + Shopify Integration Possible?

1 0 0

I am developing an external Inventory Management System, where an admin can manage their products, inventory, sales channels, sales generated, and more.

I am wondering if Shopify can do the following:

1. Shows the Products + Inventory from the System which shows the list of products and its availability on the inventory.

-> Is it possible to issue a GET Request to the API that returns a .json and shows that as the products list.

2. Generate on the external system, and update the inventory count automatically.

-> Is it possible to issue a PUT/POST Request to generate a sale on the external system and update the inventory count, upon customer check out?

3. Fetch orders from Shopify and show in the external system, for easier access, only one dashboard to manage everything.

-> Is it possible to issue a GET Request and get all the orders from Shopify to display on the external system?



Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
27 1 4

Absolutely YES is my answer for your questions but there is another way.

You may use a middleware for that.

We successfully connect a POS software with Shopify, you can take a look at the video here

I suppose that your Inventory Management System (external system) can be built similar as th Point Of Sale vendor (KiotViet) we used in our demo.

Hope the answer help you!