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inventoryPolicy bug?

inventoryPolicy bug?

Shopify Partner
1 0 0

Calling a mutation from C# code - productVariantsBulkCreate passing in the ID of a newly created product to create a new product variant with strategy "REMOVE_STANDALONE_VARIANT"


Variant params barcode,  price, inventoryPolicy="CONTINUE", also supplying an inventory item purely to get the product sku in as well.


All works EXCEPT inventoryPolicy is not set - it remains as "DENY". No errors. 

Anybody got this to work as I'm starting to think it is a bug? 

See https://shopify.dev/docs/api/admin-graphql/2024-04/objects/ProductVariant#field-inventorypolicy

I shall try and replicate in GraphiQL next and see if that provides any additional feedback. Maybe try a workaround - maybe I'll have more joy with an update.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
20 3 7

Definetely you should try to replicate the problem with GraphiQL.
I tried this on a random product of my test store and everything seems to work, even if i switch inventoryPolice from CONTINUE to DENY.


mutation {
    productId: "gid://shopify/Product/8216968134915",
    variants: [
        barcode: "123456789",
        price: "29.99",
        inventoryPolicy: CONTINUE,
        inventoryItem: {
          sku: "ABC"
  ) {
    productVariants {
    userErrors {


I'm working with the 2024-07 version tho.

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