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I've an issue with gateway authcodes of transactions I'm receiving through the API. This is my query:
{ orders(first: 80 after: "xxxx", sortKey: CREATED_AT, reverse:true ) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } edges { node { name transactions { gateway authorizationCode createdAt } } cursor } } }
I noticed that around Sep 4 there was a change in the coding of transactions. Before the authcode begang with a ch_:
{ "node": { "name": "xxxx", "transactions": [ { "gateway": "stripe", "authorizationCode": "ch_yyyy", "createdAt": "2019-09-04T09:37:53Z" }, { "gateway": "stripe", "authorizationCode": "ch_yyyy", "createdAt": "2019-09-06T11:08:27Z" } ] }
Later ones are beginning with a pi_:
{ "node": { "name": "xxxx", "transactions": [ { "gateway": "stripe", "authorizationCode": "pi_yyyy", "createdAt": "2019-09-05T20:41:10Z" }, { "gateway": "stripe", "authorizationCode": "pi_yyyy", "createdAt": "2019-09-06T11:12:18Z" } ] }
I checked the order histories within admin. For the later order following is shown
Order xxxx Card details Mastercard •••• •••• •••• .... Authorization key pi_yyyy Message Transaction approved Amount €314,00 Gateway Stripe Status success Type capture Created Sep 6, 2019, 1:12 pm Information from the gateway Id pi_yyyy Object payment_intent Amount 31400 Amount capturable 0 Amount received 31400 Application ca_zzzz Capture method manual Charges Object list Data Id ch_wwww
Obviously the ch_... code is there ( Information from the Gateway -> Id, at the bottom) but is not filled in the authcode field.
I queried both through 2019-07 and 2019-10 APIs.
Is there a possibility to query the Id?
Hey @Denizthemenace ,
For context the Id you are seeing that begins with the letters of "ch_" is the Stripe Charge Id, and the Id that begins with the letters of "pi_" is the the Stripe Payment Intent Id.
At the current moment, there does not appear to be a way to query specifically for the Stripe Charge Id of an order transaction through the Shopify Admin API.
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