A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
Even after including the following in the shopify.app.toml:
scopes = "write_pixels,read_customer_events,read_products,write_products"
And making store merchants grant the required conditions. When I try to run the Admin GraphQL API Mutation
webPixelCreate on the merchant store. I get the following response:
GraphQL Query:
mutation {
webPixelCreate(configuration: "{\"accountId\":\"234\"}") {
userErrors {
webPixel {
The response: (Just adding the relevant part)
"message": "Access denied for webPixelCreate field. Required access: `write_pixels` access scope. Also: read_customer_events access scope required."
Did you re-installed your app after adding the `write_prixels` scope?
Yes. But that didn't work.
I'm running into the same problem as well, so can't enable the web pixel for testing purposes.
I had the same issues, just delete the app using partners board, and install it back, it worked for me, just had this issues 1 day ago.
@sirev Thanks for the answers.
if you can answer on my Query. https://community.shopify.com/c/extensions/how-to-create-the-web-pixel-using-the-admin-api-grapql/m-...
Hey, anyone who has got the solution for this error?
Hi there @charles52 , I solved it by adding the scopes to the project_root_folder/shopify.app.toml
scopes = "write_pixels,read_customer_events"
I've found you need to export SCOPES before running the server for the app.
$ export | grep SCOPE
declare -x SCOPES="write_pixels,read_customer_events,read_products"
$ export SCOPE="write_pixels,read_customer_events,read_products"
You need the read_products scope because by default the shopify app needs this permission for the their test page. If you remove that functionality, it's no longer needed.