Re: Marking order as fulfilled for a Digital Product via Shopify Admin REST APIs.

Marking order as fulfilled for a Digital Product via Shopify Admin REST APIs.

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I would like to mark the orders as fulfilled via the Admin APIs. We sell eSIM cards which are digital products and do not require shipping. We have essentially built a mechanism that listens to the webhook when a customer places an order and sends the relevant product to the customer via email. After the mail has been sent, I would like to mark the order as fulfilled via the Admin REST APIs as we can have a situation where manual intervention might be required and those orders shall not be marked as fulfilled.


I have tried following the tutorial to fulfil the request. I can retrieve the fulfilment orders by using the API

However, I am unable to comprehend the next steps as the product does not require shipping and only requires the change in status from unfulfilled to fulfilled.

I tried my hands on based on the fulfilment_order_id I received in the previous API call only to get a 404 Not Found error.

Screenshot 2023-03-31 at 2.54.35 AM.png


I simply need a way to change the status of the order to fulfilled. Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
428 41 179

Hi Namansharma,


I would place a very large bet that the fulfillment_order_id in the above screenshot is the order_id of the order you wish to fulfill and not the fulfillment_order_id of the fulfillment order you got when making a get request to orders/{order_id}/fulfillment_orders.json.





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New Member
6 0 0

Hi Gary,

Thanks for looking into this but unfortunately, it is the fulfilmentOrder Id. I have checked the threads in the discussion forums and moved my head around a lot of permutations and combinations.


Here is the screenshot of the orders/{order_id}/fulfillment_orders.json
Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 10.30.53 PM.png


Additionally, here is the screenshot of /fulfillment_orders/{fulfillmentOrder_id}.json

Screenshot 2023-04-05 at 10.31.42 PM.png


I have manually fulfilled the order from the Shopify Admin page this the status is changed now.


Looking forward to a reply.



Shopify Partner
428 41 179

Hi Namansharma,


OK super, thats the most common mistake (I made it myself when I first looked at the new fulfillment orders api).


Do you have an example json of the fulfillment order with a digital article, one thats open maybe from a test shop? The supported actions  "create_fulfillment" must be present as well in order to be able to create a fulfillment from a fulfillment order.





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