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I still get this message about deprecation
This is the only place where it's called
there is no valueType, or anything else, how can i get more info about this?
I using:
Solved! Go to the solution
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Hello Folks,
I took a closer look at this issue and noticed a couple things.
1) If you update to `2022-04` you should no longer see these deprecation warnings.
2) If you are unable to update at this time, when making requests using a REST Api before `2022-04`, you'll need to explicitly request the fields you require. Otherwise `value_type` is included in the response and the request is marked as deprecated. You can request explicit fields by appending `fields=id,namespace,etc` to a request.
If you're experiencing the deprecation warning still after the above suggestions please send me a message with your app/partner organization name and I can take a closer look.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
We have the same issue here, I have updated our code to remove any trace of value_type, but we still get those deprecation message, and I am unsure why. Would it be a bug in the detection made by Shopify?
Have you solved this problem now?
I still facing this issue, it's not fixed yet
Same issue for us. Please share the solution if you find it.
We also encountered the same problem, did you solve it? Can you share if you find a solution. thanks
This is an accepted solution.
Hello Folks,
I took a closer look at this issue and noticed a couple things.
1) If you update to `2022-04` you should no longer see these deprecation warnings.
2) If you are unable to update at this time, when making requests using a REST Api before `2022-04`, you'll need to explicitly request the fields you require. Otherwise `value_type` is included in the response and the request is marked as deprecated. You can request explicit fields by appending `fields=id,namespace,etc` to a request.
If you're experiencing the deprecation warning still after the above suggestions please send me a message with your app/partner organization name and I can take a closer look.
To learn more visit the Shopify Help Center or the Community Blog.
Hi, we still facing this issue
We're using:
"shopify-api-node": "^3.8.1",
and still facing this issue, value_type is not used
Hello Tyler
We have updated the API version to 2022-07 but still see the warning.
App name: Custom Tiered discount
Partner Organization: Anncode Solutions
Please look into it.
Thanks in Advance,
Hi @tyler-rowsell we are still seeing the API warning and our customers are being told our app is unsupported despite using 2022-04 and not calling for or using the depreciated metafield values in any way. Please help! We are will Wholesale Gorilla. Thanks!
Try passing api version in your shopify requests.
By default when no version is specified Shopify falls back to the oldest version available which currently is 2022-01. If you attach a version to your requests it should fix the problem.
It worked for us.
This also worked for us. Even though it worked it's still very frustrating. If an unversioned call is supposed to fail forward to the oldest supported version, you would think that version would be considered 'supported' in the API health report.
We made sure all of our API requests were versioned, but this still seems like an oversight on Shopify's part.
Thanks @Matt_Goodwin and @anncodesolution . We are pushing the change today for GET requests to the `metafields` endpoint and will see if it helps. We already did that for all PUT and POST requests before the deadline since we were changing request body parameters to avoid using deprecated types...I agree this seems redundant. I'll keep you guys posted.
Hello @tyler-rowsell we are also still seeing the API warning for the Metafield `value_type` field and our customers are being told our app is unsupported...despite using API version `2022-07` and not using `value_type` at all. We have searched every line of code for any missed references, re-deployed the app several times, followed every recommendation to log all calls to the Metafield API from our app and have not received any with `X-Shopify-Deprecated...` headers.
Our app is Shop Protector
Partner name is Human Presence
Please advise,
Hello @tyler-rowsell we are also still seeing the API warning for the Metafield `value_type` field and our customers are being told our app is unsupported...despite using new API version and not using `value_type` at all. We have searched every line of code for any missed references, re-deployed the app several times, followed every recommendation to log all calls to the Metafield API from our app.
Our app is 60seconds
Please advise,
Hi @tyler-rowsell , until today I still having the issue even I modified shopify-api-node code by removing value_type, please help, it is very urgent since this metafield has been deprecated since Jan-2023.
Hi @chenwenfeng ,
Can you replicate this issue in an HTTP client like Postman using a stable version of the REST Admin API? If so could you share the replication steps for us to take a closer look?
If the issue only occurs with the node API library I would recommend checking the Github repo for any open issues, or creating a new one with all the steps you are taking as well as what API version you are using.
Developer Support @ Shopify
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Hi Support,
Sorry I don't get it, will metafields error when I use postman to call?
What I understand is Shopify checking our apps to determine whether we are still using only valueType of metafield or not, right?
The deprecation warnings will come up if you access a deprecated field in postman, or using an API library. Using an HTTP client is how we recommend testing to determine the version being requested and rule out anything else related to a client's API library, or any other middleware they could be using.
If you aren't explicitly adding the value_type in your request, is it possible you're requesting an API version that uses that deprecated field?
Developer Support @ Shopify
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Hi Support,
I have tried 2 data to base on your request
1. success created product with obsolette metafield type without error.
2. failed to create product with error type - cann't be blank
I use both URL return same result