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Re: Multichannel voucher

Multichannel voucher

Shopify Partner
8 0 0

We are currently building an integration with our POS-system and Shopify.
For our customer it is a must to have gift vouchers that can be used in the store and in the webshop.

The Shopify Gift Voucher API is only open in the Shopify Plus subscription.

Because of the price of this subscription this is not an option.

Is there any other way we can provide multichannel gift vouchers?

Or is there a way to open the API without going for the Plus subscription?

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
197 2 17

Hi @CFashion, I'm Neomi from the Rise.ai app,

We specialized in gift card & loyalty store credit solutions


Our gift card solution allows you to sell and redeem gift cards in all stores physical or online as if it was one store.

Check out our listing page and feel free to reach out at info@rise.ai


Shopify Partner
8 0 0

Hi @Neomi_av,


How does the integration with our cash register software work?
Do you have API's we can use?

Shopify Partner
8 0 0

Hi @Neomi_av,

I still haven't received an answer for you.