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Multiple App run Cron Bulk operation on the same store, possible conflict on bulk operations?


Multiple App run Cron Bulk operation on the same store, possible conflict on bulk operations?

Shopify Partner
13 0 6

I have a store with two custom apps both running a cron job, import products and read all.

I see on the documentations: "Apps are limited to single bulk operation at a time per store".

"You can run only one bulk operation of each type (...) at a time per shop."


is there a risk if the app steals Bulk operations from each other? if running cron time overlaps?

Thank you

Accepted Solution (1)
Shopify Staff
1453 239 531

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @DanubioBlu 👋


Each app would run their bulk mutation on the same store without issue.


Hope that helps!

Developer Support @ Shopify
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Replies 5 (5)

Shopify Partner
13 0 6

Any news ? is it clear the problem? thanks

Shopify Staff
1453 239 531

Hey @DanubioBlu - this is a great question. If an app tries to run two bulk operations concurrently it would most likely result in an error with the second bulk operation being unable to begin if the first one is still processing. What you could do, is build in a basic queue system that causes sequential bulk operation jobs to trigger after the first one is complete. In the dev docs you shared, there's a section on using webhooks or polling to check when a job is done and this would be the method we'd recommend to control sequential bulk operation jobs. 

Hope this helps - let us know if we can clarify anything on our end. 

Al | Shopify Developer Support 

Developer Support @ Shopify
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Shopify Partner
13 0 6

My question is different , if two different APP try to run a Bulk Mutation on the same Store, what happend?

Shopify Staff
1453 239 531

This is an accepted solution.

Hi @DanubioBlu 👋


Each app would run their bulk mutation on the same store without issue.


Hope that helps!

Developer Support @ Shopify
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New Member
5 0 0

Each app would run their bulk mutation on the same 
