A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
I have a metaobject that has the following structure:
State - Single Line String
Laws - List of MetaObjects of type "Law"
Notes - List of MetaObjects of type "Note"
My question is how do I construct a mutation and variables to populate the list of Law and Note MetaObjects?
The individual "Law" and "Note" metaobjects have been created and I have their handles.
Variable definition for the CreateMetaobject mutation:
{ capabilities: { publishable: { status: "ACTIVE" } }, type: "stateLawList", handle: `${ samHandle.toLowerCase()}`, fields: [ { key: "state", value: state }, { key: "laws", value: ??List of Law MetaObjects?? }, { key: "notes", value: ??List of Note MetaObjects?? } ] }
What should the "value" property look like in my variables passed to the CreateMetaobject mutation???
I tried an array of handles and that was a failure. Also tried a comma separated list of handles.
Have not tried an array or list of gids. Or do I need to query each Law and Note and pass the entire metaobject as a field value?
If the field is defined as a list, can you supply an array of values? In looking at the documentation it sure looks like the "value" field needs to be a string.
A bit confused can someone help?