Order Publication question

Order Publication question

Shopify Partner
4853 60 558

An order has a publication. A publication has a name. So I can see that an order came from the "Online Store".


The API tells me the name is now deprecated, so do not use it. Instead, they say, use the catalog assigned to the order, and use the catalog title.

OK. But that does not compute. It returns null. So what is the deal Shopify? How do we use your API, stay in compliance, and get the data we need? My App reading this order needs the value "Online Store" provided by name, a deprecated field. Suggestions?


Example data from 2023-04



"publication": {
	"catalog": null,
	"name": "Online Store"



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Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
1453 238 508

Hi @HunkyBill - thanks for flagging this. There have been a few other reports we've seen of this and I can confirm our product team is looking into this. My understanding is that the behaviour in that other thread regarding other apps not presenting a catalog ID is the same issue being presented here. 

I can't provide a timeline on this, but can confirm we are working on implementing a fix. Thanks again for flagging this. 

Al | Shopify Developer Support

Developer Support @ Shopify
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