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Re: Orders cancel.json Restock Deprecated


Orders cancel.json Restock Deprecated

4 1 0

Part of my plugin's ecosystem is cancelling orders whenever an action happens outside of Shopify. In order to accomplish that we're calling the Rest API's cancel.json method for the specific order in question. For a while I thought that the restocking of inventory was just an automated thing that happened when the order was cancelled before payment but we now have a merchant who is using our plugin and complaining that the restocking isn't happening for orders cancelled by our API call. 

After looking at the API documentation again, the cancel.json method notes that the "restock" parameter has been deprecated. What should be done now that this parameter is deprecated? Is another API call required to restock the inventory? If there a setting in the store that can be updated? 

Accepted Solution (1)
4 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

For anyone who comes across this in the future, though the API documentation states that the "restock" property of Order's cancel.json method is deprecated, the property DOES still function as you would expect. I assume at whatever point they do decide to actually fully deprecate it, they will release some actual instructions on what to do to restock items. 

So again, for now, if you need to cancel and restock, just call the cancel.json method with:

    "restock": true


View solution in original post

Replies 7 (7)

Shopify Partner
1033 86 293

Please refer to this thread which discusses this -->https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60606840/how-to-cancel-and-restock-order-using-shopify-api. Hope this helps!

4 1 0

Cancellation is being called before the payment has been taken so I would assume that would affect the ability of the refund method. Am I wrong?

Shopify Partner
1033 86 293

Here's another link that might shed some light --> https://community.shopify.com/c/Technical-Q-A/Cancel-Order-API-gt-Not-restocking-quantity-to-the-pro.... Although the last comment wasn't marked as a solution...

4 1 0

I had already read that thread but there wasn't a solution in it either and the last comment who stated they got it to work was using the property which is marked as deprecated by Shopify's API. 

4 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

For anyone who comes across this in the future, though the API documentation states that the "restock" property of Order's cancel.json method is deprecated, the property DOES still function as you would expect. I assume at whatever point they do decide to actually fully deprecate it, they will release some actual instructions on what to do to restock items. 

So again, for now, if you need to cancel and restock, just call the cancel.json method with:

    "restock": true


Shopify Partner
2473 228 666

Note for anyone using the restock: true property, it doesn't work well with stores with multiple location because it doesn't always restock the correct location. My guess is that instead of restocking to the assigned location, it restocks to the priority location.

Would be nice if Shopify kept this property and had it restock correctly, it's a useful property and saves us from having to make multiple API calls to restock an order after cancelling.

• Creator of Order Automator [auto tag, fulfill, connect FBA, daily jobs]
• Co-Creator of Product Automator [suite of features for products / collections]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• Blog: Shopify Tips, Guides, and Automation Tactics

1 0 0

I can cancel orders and restock products using separate API calls (one to cancel the order, and one to restock the products using InventoryLevel), but when I look in the Admin:


It makes it appear that inventory was manually added/removed, and doesn't tie it to an order (like on line 3), and in the actual Order, it doesn't show that it was restocked like it used to:


To remedy this, I tried using the Refund API, but we don't use Shopify's Checkout to process payment for some orders (long story), and those orders don't have a refund (in Shopify, at least). When I used the Refund API to restock items using the "restock_type" option in "refund_line_items", a Shopify Refund object is returned, "refund(None)", which is understandable because there is no actual refund, and no items are restocked.

I guess my question is, is there a different way to restock items after cancelling an order that will mimic the deprecated "restock" parameter functionality?