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Orders endpoint returns unfullfilled orders and orders created today even if we pass status and date


Orders endpoint returns unfullfilled orders and orders created today even if we pass status and date

2 1 0
Hi we are using the shopify API to get orders based on status and created_at min and max dates, but we allways get the unfullfilled orders and we get orders for the current day only even if we are looking for last of last week's orders.

We are creating a custom order export based on the accounting system we are using
We want to be able to get all the orders or orders based on specified start and end date and status
We tried the npm package same results and we tried the endpoint same results
the endpont we tried ```https://{API_key}:{admin_API_access_token}@{shop}.myshopify.com/admin/api/{api-version}/{resource}```

we tried the below queries

// first one

// next we tried
// we even tried any to see if we get everything but still we get unfullfilled orders only

We tried with cereated_at_max and min and with fullfillment status but we didn't get the expected results.


any ideas how can query the orders

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