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Partners API but for App Ads Data

Partners API but for App Ads Data

27 1 8

Hi, I'm currently working with Partners API (GraphQL) to retrieve transactions and events data for our App (Shopify Partners). We are able to pull this data without any issue, but now we need also to retrieve data from App Ads, and I don't find a way to do it. We just need to retrieve basic information as shown in the App Ads Dashboard:


Is there a way to pull this data using Partners or even Admin API (But for Shopify Partners)?


Thanks a lot in advance for your help and support.


Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Staff
1453 239 531

Hi @jjcastillot,


The Partner API does not currently expose any fields that would allow you to track your app's Ad performance outside of the partner dashboard, but I will add a feature request for our product team on your behalf.



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27 1 8

Hi, thanks for reaching out. 


And, isn't there a way to pull any ads data using something like the Admin API, but for partners (Not merchants)? 

1 0 0

Was there any update on this end? Can we access it now?