Payment Transaction Export to csv

Payment Transaction Export to csv

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Is there a way to remove the limit so i'm able to export the payment transaction through api instead of using the csv export on the dashboard 

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff
402 66 102

Hey @JmontelusGB 

Thanks for getting in touch - it sounds like you wish to increase Shopify's API rate limits(docs) to be able to read an Orders transactions, right? I'm not sure of the type of the app that you have but it's worth noting that we don't allow general API rate limit increases for public apps. 

If you're getting throttled, we recommend to implement a mechanism that would retry those throttled requests. When throttled, in REST, it's worth monitoring the x-shopify-api-call-limit header returned to you as a caller gives you an indication if you're staying within the call limit. In the GraphQL API, the  header X-GraphQL-Cost-Include-Fields : true would provide insight over into how cost is distributed over your query and fields.

There's some useful documentation here on managing your API calls in REST here if you need it too, I'd encourage to check out our docs on API usage as a first step though. Hope that helps!

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