A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
I'm trying to create a Pagination with React and Graphql. I'm using React with hooks and @Apollo/react-hooks 3.1.5. You can see my Query and React Code at the bottom.
When I trigger the next page the request work like a charm but wheen I'm trying to go back an error comes up: "Using after with before is not supported".
Do you know why this problem shows up? The message seems to be pretty clear but then how can I create my Pagination then ?
When I'm looking the way shopify does it on the preoduct it's pretty similar (On the products listings).
Graphql Query
export const GET_PRODUCTS = gql` query GetProducts($after: String, $before: String, $query: String) { products(first: 20, after: $after, before: $before, query: $query) { pageInfo { hasNextPage hasPreviousPage } edges { cursor node { title images(first: 1) { edges { node { originalSrc altText } } } metafields(first: 10, namespace:"global") { edges { node { namespace value } } } } } } } `;
React Code (Query and functions)
const [getProducts, { data, loading, error }] = useLazyQuery(GET_PRODUCTS) useEffect(() => { getProducts() }, []) function nextPage(cursor) { getProducts({ variables: { after: cursor }}) } function previousPage(cursor) { getProducts({ variables: { before: cursor }}) }
React Code (Pagination)
<Pagination hasPrevious={data.products.pageInfo.hasPreviousPage} previousKeys={[74]} previousTooltip="Previous Products" onPrevious={() => previousPage(data.products.edges[0].cursor)} hasNext={data.products.pageInfo.hasNextPage} nextKeys={[75]} nextTooltip="Next Products" onNext={() => nextPage(data.products.edges[data.products.edges.length - 1].cursor)} />
Wich is strang is also my request payload don't contain after...
after and before parameters are mutual exclusive, so you should use only after in products(first: 20, after: $after, before: $before, query: $query) if you want to move forward, and only before if you want to move backwards. I.e. your GraphQL query which is now a constant GET_PRODUCTS should be built dynamically.
If I correctly understand you said I have to create each separate queries for create my pagination so GET_PRODUCTS_NEXT or GET_PRODUCTS_BEFORE for exemple?