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refundCreate payment

refundCreate payment

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

Hello, I am building a custom Shopify app to automate the refund process.

I wanted to confirm how payment works in the refundCreate GraphQL mutation. Is this handled automatically or do I need to create a transaction?

For example in the following:

mutation {
   input: {
     orderId: "gid://shopify/Order/xyz",
     refundLineItems: [{lineItemId:"gid://shopify/LineItem/xyz",quantity:1},{lineItemId:"gid://shopify/LineItem/xyz",quantity:1}],
     shipping: {amount: "0"},
     notify: true
   }) {
   refund {
     totalRefunded {
   userErrors {

The result gives a total refunded amount of 0. Is this just because I am using a development store?

If a transaction is required, is it possible to automate this without the customer supplying their payment details again?

Any help appreciated.

Many thanks,


Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
4 0 1

I found this answer


Presumably, I have to pass transactions along with my refundCreate input like so:

transactions: {
  amount: "140.0",
  gateway: "bogus",
  kind: REFUND,
  orderId: "gid://shopify/Order/xyz",
  parentId: "gid://shopify/OrderTransaction/xyz"

Where parentId is the ID of a transaction taken from the original order (and gateway). Would this be any transaction with kind set as "capture" or "sale"?