RestAPI Error 430

RestAPI Error 430

Shopify Partner
4853 60 558

Simple premise.

I have a valid order ID for a store order. I have permission to read orders. I issue the simple command:


     order = ShopifyAPI::Order.find(11223344556677)


and I get back a puzzling result.


     No Order found in Shopify for the file: Failed. Response code = 430. Response message = .

So I look up HTTP error codes because who has those memorized, and I see there is no entry for 430 at Wikipedia.

So my logs have this result, yet when I cherry-pick any of those orders that returned this 430, they are there.

Wonderful this Shopify and Internet computing regime. Anyway, has anyone else ever come up with a 430 like this and know what it might be from?



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