Sending a translation array through graphql api

Sending a translation array through graphql api

11 0 3

I'm slowly inching towards translation of a bilingual store via the graphql api. I have the calls I need to translate each metafield but I'd like to translate all of them in one go. Individually the structure works but when I try to pull the calls together I get the error {"errors":{"variables":"expected Array to be a Hash"}}. I have a feeling I need to change 'variables' to 'variablesArray' or similar. Can anyone suggest how to properly formulate this call?


"query":"mutation CreateTranslation($id: ID!, $translations: [TranslationInput!]!) { translationsRegister(resourceId: $id, translations: $translations) { userErrors {message field} translations {locale key value} } }",
"value":"有機ココナッツ "

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