Shopify locations

Shopify locations

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I'm trying to integrate Shopify to an ERP system that manages sales and inventory amongst other things. I want to be able to create delivery orders against the correct locations in the ERP. I can query fulfillmentOrders for a given sales order and get back an array of fulfillments with location and fulfillmentLineItems. When I get a that I haven't seen before, I query for the location in Shopify and create a new location in the ERP. I can then create the delivery orders against the correct locations in the ERP, except for one problem; I occasionally get a fulfillment with a location that doesn't exist in Shopify. I can take the location id and make an graphql request for the location to get the name, etc, but I get a NULL result back (ie: "location": null). If I navigate to a location in the Shopify Admin and swap out the id for the one in the fulfillment, I get a 404.


Why is Shopify returning location ids that don't exist?

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