A space to discuss GraphQL queries, mutations, troubleshooting, throttling, and best practices.
3/27/2024 4:25pm
I am attempting to perform a basic bulkOperationRunQuery operation. I am requesting a list of a store's products that have a certain string in their tags and the request keeps returning:
extensions: {code: 'INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR', requestId: '6744ba20-63e3-4ba0-a973-8784ef963a02-1711574262'} message: "Internal error. Looks like something went wrong on our end.\nRequest ID: 6744ba20-63e3-4ba0-a973-8784ef963a02-1711574262 (include this in support requests)."
The actual query looks like this:
mutation { bulkOperationRunQuery( query:""" { products(first: 500, query: "tag:'truck'") { edges { node { id title variants(first: 5) { edges { node { id title } } } } } } } """ ){ bulkOperation { id status } userErrors { field message } } }
The request works every time in GraphiQL. I am calling this endpoint:
I'm sure I'm missing something but without any logs I'm lost. If I left out any pertinent information feel free to ask.
More Info:
I have also tried the most recent endpoint '/admin/api/2024-01/graphql.json'
Hey @Jordaninkmonkey,
I checked our logs for errors related to that request ID and the endpoint / parameters recorded there are "/admin/api/2023-07/graphql?version=2023-07".
Since the version is already included in the endpoint's path you don't need to append it as an additional parameter. Can you try again with "/admin/api/{{ VERSION }}/graphql.json" instead?
If you continue having issues could you also try to replicate the error in an HTTP client with a regular query rather than a Bulk Operation query, and try reducing the number of data requested in a single request?
- James
Developer Support @ Shopify
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I am having the same issue. Doing any simple BulkOperationRunQuery via shopify:admin/api/2024-07/graphql.json will return an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR error. It works if I perform this API call from the server but not from an app that uses embedded_app_direct_api_access.
Is there a reason for this? Any docs?