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Struggling with Graphql syntax


Struggling with Graphql syntax

Shopify Partner
2 1 0

I'm trying to write some vb.net code to call Graphql using httpclient (the postasync call).


This example works:

Dim body As String = "{""query"": ""{shop {name} }""}"

as does:

Dim body As String = "{""query"": ""{products(first: 3) {edges {node {id title} } } }""}"

but I'm struggling with the syntax for extending the set of products return to those which match a product_type, so this:

Dim body As String = "{""query"": ""{products(first: 3, query:""product_type:Fabric"") {edges {node {id title} } } }""}"

returns "Bad Request"


the string is being encoded as:

 Dim content = New StringContent(body, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")

and called as:

Dim response = request.PostAsync(url, content).Result


Any pointers most welcome.

Accepted Solution (1)

Shopify Partner
2 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

I eventually worked it out and posting here in case it helps someone in the future. The answer was to escape the double quotes in the middle query so this works:

Dim body As String = "{""query"": ""{products(first: 3, query:\""product_type:Fabric\"") {edges {node {id title} } } }""}"

View solution in original post

Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
275 30 30

Dim body As String = "{""query"": ""{products(first: 3, query:""product_type:Fabric"") {edges {node {id title} } } }""}"   this word in red also shoud be quoted 

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Shopify Partner
275 30 30

please ignore the reply. It is not right

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Shopify Partner
2 1 0

This is an accepted solution.

I eventually worked it out and posting here in case it helps someone in the future. The answer was to escape the double quotes in the middle query so this works:

Dim body As String = "{""query"": ""{products(first: 3, query:\""product_type:Fabric\"") {edges {node {id title} } } }""}"